About Confius
Executive search, interim search, coaching, assessments, transition and outplacement services. Our team has a cumulative experience exceeding 100 years in this business. We commit to support you and provide you with a wealth of experience by listening, posing good questions, getting the right answers and assessing your business cases.
Our line of business used to be 'searching and finding'. Today it's 'knowing and connecting'. Not only do we assist our clients in finding new staff, but we also focus on identifying and nurturing current and future talent.
We connect your business case to the capacities and ambitions of our candidates: senior managers and professionals with a clear vision showing competent leadership, able to think out-of-the-box with a true `getting things done’ mentality.
From our offices in Amsterdam and Rotterdam, we enable our clients and candidates to achieve their ambitions.
Our motto, quoting Confucius: "Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life."

Lodewijk Lugard, partner
Lodewijk is an intuitive experienced coach and executive search specialist who easily works his way in his specialist area.
Meet Lodewijk
Paul van Maarschalkerwaart, partner
Paul is a true connector keen on matching his clients' business case and corporate DNA with his most suitable talented candidates.
Meet Paul
Alexander Nicolaï, partner
Alexander, critical and engaged specialist, understands business and quickly assesses who and what you need for a spot-on match.
Meet Alexander
Jan Kees van Vliet, partner
Jan Kees is a natural connector always looking for new opportunities and possibilities.
Meet Jan Kees
Ellen Kok – Barendregt, partner
Ellen likes to focus on bringing people together. Maintaining contacts and continuing to build long-term relationships is part of her system.
Meet Ellen
Yves de Puysseleyr, partner
Yves likes to understand people and link them to positions that maximize their talent.
Meet Yves
Guus Nieuwenhuijzen Kruseman, associated consultant
Guus gets energy from connecting people with clients.
Meet Guus
Bernice van Grondelle, marketing & communications
As marketing & communications manager within Confius, Bernice van Grondelle supports the marketing strategy.
Meet Bernice
Naud Stunnenberg, research consultant
Naud approaches suitable candidates and knows how to handle our various search channels.
Meet Naud
Sander Douw, research consultant
Sander approaches suitable candidates and knows how to handle our various search channels.
Meet Sander
Jessica de Jong, research consultant
Jessica approaches suitable candidates and knows how to handle our various search channels.
Meet Jessica de Jong
Nicolien Ruitenberg, research consultant
Nicolien approaches suitable candidates and knows how to handle our various search channels.
Meet Nicolien
Siem Hoogeboom, intern
Siem studies Applied Psychology and works as an intern at Confius.
Meet Siem